Patient Prep
Welcome to the Wholistic Thermography Patient Prep Page, your go-to resource for essential information to ensure a smooth and productive experience during your thermography appointment. We understand that preparing for your session is vital, and we're here to guide you every step of the way. This page is designed to provide clarity on what to expect, how to get ready, and the forms you may need. For a detailed walkthrough, we've included a video that will walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.
Wholistic Thermography is a Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) business in the Northeast using medical grade FDA Registered screening equipment. WT provides expert medical interpretation by trained and Board-Certified Thermologists, based on careful anatomical and physiological observations of thermal patterns over the region of concern (warm or cool), side to side comparison, and previous imaging done. Before your thermography session, it's essential to understand the steps and requirements to make the most of your appointment. Here, you'll find valuable insights, tips, and guidance on how to prepare effectively. We've organized this section with your comfort and convenience in mind, ensuring that you arrive for your appointment fully ready, informed, and at ease. Our physicians are excellent at assessing the areas in question and indicating if further medical investigation is needed. The images also show areas, organs, and systems of thermal stability.
Prepare with Confidence

Be sure to review Prep Sheet
Wear light clothing or layers.
Ladies, consider not wearing your bra to the appt; just bring it to put on after.
Wear underwear for Full Body imaging appts
Initial appt takes 20-30 min for intake, then 15-40 min for images, depending on areas to be imaged
Follow-up appts vary with desired imaging, 30-60 min
You will have bare skin during the imaging time frame only
The Images are taken by a Certified Female Clinical Thermographer
Interpretation done by trained physician. All general questions may be answered at appt.
Accepting Cash, Check or Credit (4% convenience fee is added for CC or Paypal)

Wholistic Thermography sends your summarized written and verbal medical history and your appt images to our secure EMI (Electronic Medical Interpretation) team. Your assigned Meditherm physician has been extensively trained and is Board-Certified in Medical Thermology.
(To learn more: acct.thermologyonline.com) The Thermologist will review your images and medical history, sending back to Wholistic Thermography, an interpretation of the thermal patterns noted, and his/her clinical recommendations.
Expert Medical Interpretation
Image Interpretation
Additional Information
Your report will come to you via USPS or email based on your preference indicated on the Communication Form.
One additional copy may be sent to a Healthcare Practitioner of your choice, as indicated on your Intake Form, if we have the practitioner’s name, title, and complete address. Reports cannot be faxed.
Read over your report.
Text or call Wholistic Thermography if you wish to review your report with the Thermographer.
Make your 3-month follow-up appt for your baseline, or plan for your annual appt by letting us know which month the next year would suit you best.
When you get your Report
"Essence of Pure Living, LLC and Wholistic Thermography exist to help you learn, research and make good choices for your wellness. We are not attempting to diagnose, prescribe or treat any medical condition you have. Information included on this site is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, prevent, treat or cure any issue, illness, disease or condition you have."